Warm tips
Scenic spot services

Ticketing services: The tourist service center provides ticket sales and ticket inspection services, and provides maps of tourist attractions. Visitors can use WeChat, Alipay and cash to pay;

Explanation consulting services: The consulting desk of tourist service center provides consultation and explanation services to tourists;

Consumer services: The shopping center of tourist service center provides tourists with drinks, food and small commodities related to themes of various scenic spots;

Rental services: Dam Visitor Center and Bingling Temple World Cultural Heritage Tourist Area are equipped with mobile charging equipment, as well as baby carriages, wheelchairs and umbrellas for rental;

Parking services: Tourists can navigate into the ecological parking lot to park, and it is forbidden to park indiscriminately in the scenic spot;

The scenic spot provides luggage storage, scenic spot map, drinking room, rest place, toilet, mobile phone charging service, gas station, WIFI signal and other services;

Infirmary: Both the Dam Visitor Center and Bingling Temple World Cultural Heritage Tourist Area are equipped with infirmary. In case of emergency, please contact the staff for assistance in time;

Baby care room: The dam visitor center is equipped with a separate baby care room. If necessary, you can contact the staff to take you there;

Lost and Found Office: If anything is lost, please call the service hotline as soon as possible: 0930-6912105 for inquiry. Both the Dam Visitor Center and Bingling Temple World Cultural Heritage Tourist Area are equipped with lost and found offices. After the staff or tourists return anything to the lost and found office, the office will keep it for you until you claim it;

Complaint services: There is a tourist suggestion box in the complaint office of the visitor center, and the dissatisfaction or suggestions of tourists will be handled by a special person;

Public security services: To prevent and deal with accidents in time, all special personnel sent on waters are responsible for the safety and security supervision in the scenic area. 

Instructions for Visiting

Hello, dear tourists!

Welcome to Bingling Temple World Cultural Heritage Tourist Area for sightseeing. In order to ensure the order and safety in sightseeing, please observe the following cautions:

Visitors should purchase tickets according to the requirements in the ticket office ——Check the ticket at the gate ——Please take a boat at the dock in order;

It is strictly forbidden to carry inflammable, explosive, toxic and other dangerous goods on board. Please cooperate with the ticket inspector to do a good job in baggage security check and dangerous goods inspection and registration;

After purchasing tickets, the conductor will inform you of the round-trip time, the return of the original ship, and the waiting time after arriving at the destination. Please board the ship and return on time according to the reminder time;

Visitors must wear life jackets and obey the command of safety officers when getting on and off the ship;

Please take good care of the elderly and children travelling with you. Drinking, chasing, slapstick and taking water from the boat are prohibited;

People who drink too much, have high blood pressure or heart disease, as well as pregnant women and seasick people, should not take a boat;

The ship can be sent only when the number of tourists of each ship type reaches the quota stipulated by the maritime department, and the large cruise ships can sail only when the number of passengers reaches at least 60% of the quota;

In case of severe wind, waves, thunder and lightning, when the ship cannot reach its destination, the staff have the right to return in advance.

Please queue up to purchase tickets in turn. Please read the instructions carefully before purchasing tickets. Once you purchase tickets, you will be deemed to understand and agree with the relevant contents of the instructions;

For visitors who meet the free ticket conditions, please bring all the required certificates and check them at the ticket gate of the scenic spot. All kinds of certificates that apply for half-ticket discount or free of charge should be legal and valid. If any situation such as fraudulent use of other people's certificates, use of fake documents, information alteration, incomplete information, expired certificates, student certificate without registration stamps is found, it will not be handled;

The scenic spot ticketing system uses the real-name system to purchase tickets. Visitors need to purchase with their own ID cards according to relevant tips. In order to prevent being deceived, please go to the scenic spot ticket office or buy tickets from the self-service ticket vending machine of the scenic spot;

After entering the scenic spot with valid tickets on the same day, please keep the gate tickets and ship tickets properly for inspection. If they are lost, you are not allowed to enter the scenic spot again after checking the tickets;

It is forbidden to visit non-tourist routes and tourist areas that have not yet been opened. Unauthorized intruders should be responsible for accidents by themselves;

Please pay attention to safety when going up and down the steps. It is forbidden to climb, play in the water, take pictures and other dangerous behaviors in the cliff and waterfront areas. Swimming and fishing are prohibited in the scenic waters. Violators should be responsible for accidents by themselves;

Visitors are requested to take good care of and correctly use the public facilities in the scenic spot, do not climb flowers and trees and trample lawns, consciously keep the scenic spot clean, do not litter, do not spit at will, and smoking is prohibited in the scenic spot;

It is forbidden to carry controlled knives, inflammable, explosive, toxic and harmful items prohibited by national laws and regulations;

Take good care of cultural relics, prohibit crossing railings and warning lines, and prohibit carving and scribbling on cultural relics such as grotto walls, stone tablets and murals;

In sightseeing, it is forbidden to be crowded and slapstick. Please observe the order and take a bus in an orderly manner. At the same time, please take good care of your belongings to avoid loss;

Minors should be accompanied by guardians in sightseeing;

In case of natural disasters, sudden weather and other emergencies, please keep calm and actively cooperate with the staff’s arrangement;

Pets are not allowed to enter the park. 

Online ticket purchase

WeChat official account

Consultation Telephone

Complaint Telephone