Brief introduction

The World Cultural Heritage Tourist Area of Bingling Temple is located in Yongjing County, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, with a total area of 180 square kilometers. It consists of Bingling Lake, Bingling Danxia National Geopark (Bingling Stone Forest) and Bingling Temple Grottoes. In December 2020, it was rated as "National 5A-level Tourist Attractions" by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Bingling Lake

Bingling Lake is the reservoir of Liujiaxia Hydropower Station, with a water area of 130 square kilometers and a storage capacity of 5.7 billion cubic meters. Its water quality is clear and pollution-free, reaching the national second-class drinking water standard, and it is named after Bingling Temple at the end of the reservoir. With the vast lake like an endless green silk rippling in the mountains, the scenery integrates the beauty of the southern area of the Yangtze River with the grandeur of the plateau, making it a fascinating tourist destination for tourists. Among them, “the intersection of the Yellow River and the Taohe River” is a spectacular scene formed by the intersection of the Yellow River and the Taohe River; Liujiaxia Hydropower Station is the first water control project at million kilowatt level independently designed and built by China in Asia, rated as a national industrial heritage and a national patriotic education base. 

Bingling Stone Forest

Bingling Stone Forest is a Danxia landform accumulated by Cretaceous purplish red fine sandstone in the early Cenozoic. In 2011, Bingling Danxia National Geopark was approved to be built by the Ministry of Land and Resources. In the geopark, thousands of peaks stand like walls, thousands of valleys run vertically and horizontally, and hundreds of branch ditches meander, forming a fantastic stone forest world together with stone peaks with different shapes, just like a natural sculpture museum, which has great values in geological science, tourism development, natural aesthetics and ecological protection. 

Bingling Temple Grottoes

Bingling Temple Grottoes was founded in the Western Qin Dynasty of Sixteen Kingdoms, more than 1,600 years ago. It is a national key cultural relics protection unit and was listed in the World Heritage List in 2014. The grottoes are mainly composed of Xiasi District, Shangsi District and Donggou District. There are 216 grotto niche, more than 800 statues with various types, more than 1,000 square meters of murals in Tibetan and Chinese styles, 56 pagodas and 438 collections. The inscription written with ink in the first year of Jianhong in the Western Qin Dynasty (AD 420) in the grottoes is the earliest one with a clear statue date in China, which provides an important yardstick for the early grottoes to be dated by stages. 

Bingling Danxia National Geopark

Bingling Danxia Geopark is located in Yangta Township, southwest of Yongjing County, 35 kilometers away from Yongjing County. Its geographical coordinates are103°02′-103°05′east longitude and 35°02 -35°50′north latitude, with a total area of 23.36 square kilometers and an average altitude of 1,783 meters. With the early Cretaceous (120-144 million years ago) red continental sedimentary strata in the late Mesozoic as the carrier, it preserves a large number of precious geological relics of orogenic belt structure, contains abundant geoscience information, and develops canyons, stone pillars, peak forests, red cliffs of Danshan Mountain, and naturally etched pictographs and shapes, forming a large-scale Danxia-style landform landscape, which is of great value in geoscience research and tourism development. 

Bingling Temple Grottoes

Bingling Temple Grottoes are located in Dasigou, Jishi Mountain, 35 kilometers southwest of Yongjing County, Gansu Province. The geological structure of Jishi Mountain rock where Bingling Temple is located is fine yellow sandstone, which is easy to dig and carve, but not resistant to weathering and deliquescence. Due to the dry climate in this area and the high place of cliffs, rock formations often protrude like eaves, which play a role in shielding some grottoes from wind and rain and sun exposure. Therefore, many grottoes statues can be preserved quite completely after thousands of years. 

Bingling Lake

It is located 1 km southwest of Yongjing County, Linxia, Gansu Province, 75 km away from Lanzhou City. Canyon and river appear alternately. The river passes through the deep canyon with thousands of rocks. The water is like ten thousand horses galloping ahead, and the scenery is spectacular. 

Conservation of the Yellow River

As a popular saying in Liujiaxia goes, “At Huangshan white soil hill, the Yellow River flows westward”. 

The "Mother River Conservation Action" is a large-scale social welfare activity carried out by the masses. With the three parts of Mother River Conservation Publicity and Education Activities, Mother River Conservation Project and Mother River Conservation Fund, its main purpose is to mobilize the broadest social forces including teenagers to plant trees, conserve water and soil, prevent pollution, advocate and establish the awareness of green civilization, ecological environment and sustainable development, and make contributions to the national ecological environment construction at the basins of rivers such as the Yellow River, the mother river of our Chinese nation. 

In recent years, Yongjing County has held a series of special arrangements for ecological protection of the Yellow River Basin in order to improve the ecological environment of the Yellow River, curb soil erosion and protect the Mother River. The leaders of the county said that the Yellow River flows through Yongjing for 107 kilometers, benefiting Yongjing people, and we should also shoulder the burden of protecting the Yellow River. Accurately grasping the working requirement of emphasis on protection and governance, we should pay attention to system governance, source governance and comprehensive governance, implement major national ecological protection, restoration and construction projects, vigorously control soil erosion, promote the implementation of river and lake leaders system and garbage-free special governance actions in the whole region, strictly strengthen the protection of drinking water sources, severely crack down on all kinds of environmental violations, and continuously improve the ecological environment. Vigorously develop water-saving industries and technologies, promote agricultural water saving, implement water-saving actions across the whole society, intensively and economically utilize water resources, comprehensively supervise the operation of environmental protection facilities such as sewage treatment plants, collect and treat production and domestic sewage centrally, and never allow sewage to be discharged directly into the Yellow River. Implement various measures for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, and make the Yellow River a “happy river” to the benefit of the masses. 

Protection of Grottoes

According to the records of “Fayuan Zhulin” in Buddhism and Taoism, the excavation history of Bingling Temple Grottoes can be traced back to “the beginning of Jin Tai”, that is, 265 AD. After the Tibetan regime in ancient china occupied Longyou in 763 AD, besides the Tibetan soldiers stationing here, a large number of Tibetan immigrants moved northward and eastward, building countless statues and murals in Bingling Temple Grottoes, and rebuilding and redrawing the Buddha Grottoes. In the 11th century, the Western Xia regime fought with the Song regime. The Western Xia regime ordered to destroy the bridge, making the Silk Road diverted. Bingling Temple, which was once famous, was left out then. In the 15th century, Tibetan Buddhism entered the Bingling Temple, and in the Kangqian period of the Qing Dynasty, Tibetan Buddhism reached its peak, and the Buddhist activities of Bingling Temple entered a new revival period. However, since the late Qing Dynasty, the ethnic conflicts in Hezhou area where Bingling Temple Grottoes are located had intensified day by day. Social turmoil occurred successively in the 46 years of Qianlong, the 7 and 13 years of Tongzhi, the 21 years of Guangxu and the 17 years of the Republic of China, which caused serious damage to Bingling Temple. Among them, large caves such as the 128th and 147th ones were blown up artificially, with the nine-storey pavilions in front of the Big Buddha, wooden cave eaves and other temple buildings set on fire, and some exquisite Buddhist stone carvings became broken, incomplete and beheaded. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, in September 1952, the Ministry of Culture of the Central People's Government organized the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the Department of Culture of the Northwest Military and Political Commission and the Dunhuang Cultural Relics Research Institute to transfer 13 experts, scholars and technicians to form the "Bingling Temple Grottoes Survey Group", which made a detailed and comprehensive survey and understanding of Bingling Temple Grottoes for a week:Photography, copying, surveying and mapping, cave content investigation, etc. were carried out, and for the first time, the caves in Xiasi District of the grottoes were preliminarily numbered, and a total of 124 grottoes were compiled. In May 1955, the Bingling Temple Cultural Relics Preservation Office in Yongjing County was established, and the valuable caves were numbered one by one, ending the long-term unattended era of Bingling Temple Grottoes. On March 4, 1961, the State Council officially announced that Bingling Temple Grottoes were listed as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. From April to May, 1963, Gansu Provincial Cultural Relics Task Force and Bingling Temple Cultural Relics Preservation Office conducted the second survey of Bingling Temple Grottoes, climbed the highest Cave 169 for the first time, and found many statues and murals during the Western Qin Dynasty preserved in the Cave. In the sixth niche, the inscription of statues with ink in the first year of Jianhong in the Western Qin Dynasty (AD 420) was found. In 1967, a stone dike was built to guard the grottoes. In 1982, an arched cement bridge connecting the two sides of Dasigou was set up. In 1999, the state spent huge sums of money on grottoes maintenance and reinforcement and water seepage control projects. On October 7th, 2008, the Measures for the Protection and Management of Bingling Temple Grottoes was officially promulgated and implemented. 

Protection of intangible cultural heritage

Yongjing Nuo Dance Opera, commonly known as “Nuo Dance and Nuo Opera in July”, is to pay God for the harvest of grain in that year, and pray for good weather, wealth and peace in the coming year. Therefore, Nuo dance is danced in good harvest years, but not in bad harvest years. It is mainly popular in Yangta, Wangtai, Hongquan and Sanyuan villages in the western mountainous area of Yongjing County, Gansu Province, and Xujiahe Hezheng County in Aotou, Beiyuan, Linxia County. Yongjing's Nuo dance and Nuo opera not only have a long history in this area, but also spread to Sanchuan area of Minhe County, Qinghai Province, which is connected by mountains and rivers. The "Nadun Festival" held by Tu people is completely consistent with Yongjing's July Dance Party in Nuo instrument, Nuo dance and Nuo opera. In terms of form and content, there are many similarities between Yongjing Nuo Dance and Guizhou Anshun Local Opera. But according to records in literatures, Yongjing Nuo Dance is earlier than Guizhou Anshun Local Opera, and retains a more primitive mantle than Anshun Local Opera. Nuo culture, with Yongjing Nuo instrument, Nuo dance and Nuo opera as its main symbols, is the accumulation of multiple cultures for thousands of years, and is a complex cultural body of multiple religions, folk customs, music, dance, mask art, etc. It has been active in the "cultural space" of the countryside so far and is called the "living fossil" of drama. In 2008, Yongjing Nuo Dance and Nuo Opera (July Dance Party) were announced by the State Council as the expansion projects of the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage. 

Bingling Temple Grottoes

Bingling Temple was first called “Tang Shu Cave”, which means “Ghost Cave” in Qiang language. It was also named as Longxing Temple and Lingyan Temple successively later. After Yongle period in the Ming Dynasty, the transliteration of “100,000 Buddhas” in Tibetan was taken, together with the name of “Bingling Temple”. There are 183 grottoes and nearly 800 statues with three types: stone clay sculpture and clay sculpture, 25 embossed stone towers and murals of about 900m2. Among them, Cave 169 is excavated in a natural cave, with the largest scale. There are 776 statues in Bingling Temple Grottoes, including 694 stone statues and 82 clay sculptures. The main figures are Sakyamuni, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Wuliangshou Buddha, Maitreya Buddha and various Bodhisattvas and Buddhas. The shape is recapitulative and the technique is concise. With half-naked limbs, flying dress, elegant posture, as well as integration of movement in silence and coordinated proportion, they fully reflect the rich and rough charm of Northwest China. World Heritage ——Bingling Temple was called Longxing Temple in the Tang Dynasty and Lingyan Temple in the Song Dynasty, which was first built in the Sixteen States Period. The grottoes are divided into Shangsi, Donggou and Xiasi, which are distributed on the red sandstone along both sides of Dasigou. The grottoes are stacked one after another, and the plank road twists and turns upward. Bingling Temple was founded in the Western Qin Dynasty, and was expanded in the Northern Wei, Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui, Tang, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, with a history of more than 1600 years.


Liujiaxia Great Lake Scenery Tourist Area

It includes Yellow River Hydropower Expo Park, Liujiaxia Dam, Bingling Lake and coastal ferry attractions. There is a large-scale tourist passenger service center in the Yellow River Hydropower Expo Park, which is used to collect and distribute tourists. It has passenger ship service currently, and in the future, it will also provide bus shuttle and helicopter flight in tourism passenger transport service, as well as lake tourism experience service and land interchange tourism experience service, etc. Liujiaxia Dam is located in the plateau canyon, which is known as the “Pearl of the Plateau” and has spectacular scenery. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, with the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and hard work, the working class in China designed, constructed and installed a hydropower station at million kilowatt level by itself. It is a symbol of the Chinese nation's courage to march into nature without fear of difficulties. In 1995, it was named as the patriotic education base of the whole province by the provincial party committee and the provincial government. Bingling Lake, known as the “Maldives” on the plateau, has a total length of 66 kilometers and a water area of about 150 square kilometers. The lake connects Yongjing, Dongxiang, Jishishan and Linxia counties, and has the wonders of waters where the Yellow River meets and the Yao River and the Xia River. With the ancient ferry site culture of the South Silk Road such as Lianhua Ancient Ferry, Qijia Ancient Ferry and Yellow River Ancient Ferry, it is an important trade route in the ancient Hexi Corridor.

Bingling Danxia Geopark

It is a magnificent natural sculpture museum, with thousands of peaks standing, thousands of valleys competing for wonders, peaks forming shape and rocks forming scenery. Looking up at the top of the mountain, it is thousands of meters high, and the stone path looms. Like a ladder to clouds. The Wanfo Pavilion is filled with haze, adjacent to the sky, surrounded by fantastic rock walls, dangerous cliffs, arched peaks, and jagged rocks. It can be described as "One gets different impressions of a mountain when viewing it from different perspectives" and "There is no way when viewing the mountains upwards, and there is another space with the winding path leading to a secluded spot". Li Daoyuan’s Notes to Watercourses in the Northern Wei Dynasty described Bingling Stone Forest as follows: “There are layers of mountains in Hebei, and the mountains are very beautiful. Above the mountain peak, there are dozens of standing stones, which are graceful and upright, competing to be higher. They wish to be towering, as if they send their intentions to the sky. “After visiting the Bingling Stone Forest, Jie Jin, a great scholar in the Ming Dynasty, wrote with writing brush: “In the Bingling Temple, the mountains look as if being cut, with twisted and green cypress inside. The ice bridge is the most amazing, and the silver rainbow is like a ladder to the sky. "

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