Yellow River culture

The Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization and the mother river of the Chinese nation. With a total length of 5,494 kilometers, the Yellow River is the second largest river in China only second to the Yangtze River and the fifth longest river in the world. The source of the Yellow River is Kariqu, which comes from the foothills of the Bayan Har Mountains in Qinghai Province. The river gushing out of the frozen snow-covered mountains is crystal and gurgling. It flows eastward through Sichuan and enters Gansu, and the upstream passes through the mountains and valleys, ups and downs, swirling, with the water flowing still clear; When the estuary passes through Ningxia into Inner Mongolia, it passes through Shaanxi, Shanxi and Henan, and flows through the Loess Plateau. The sediment concentration increases greatly, and the water color is deep yellow. It enters the Bohai Sea from northern Shandong, and climbs up the vast plateau with thousands of gullies like loess dragons, embracing the big river together. The Yellow River nurtured the ancestors of the Yellow River civilization with her flexible and broad mind, absorbed and integrated the essence of civilization in various regions, and formed representative cultures such as Dadiwan culture, Yangshao culture, Qijia culture, Majiayao culture, Central Plains Longshan culture, Dawenkou culture and Shandong Longshan culture, which became the mainstream of early Chinese civilization. For thousands of years, the Yellow River has flowed eastward from Qinghai to Gansu. At the Gansu section of the main stream of the Yellow River with a length of 913 kilometers, the spectacle of Maqu, the first bay of the Yellow River, and the landscape of the Three Gorges of the Yellow River and Jingtai Yellow River Stone Forest have been formed. In the Yellow River Basin in Gansu, the splendid painted pottery culture such as Dadiwan and Majiayao and the farming civilization of the Yellow River come into being. Visitors can enjoy the first beautiful scenery of the Yellow River with clear river water, vertical and horizontal streams and abundant grassland northward along the Gansu section of the Yellow River; You can also appreciate the unique ups and downs of the Yellow River. When you visit the colorful murals of world cultural heritage-Bingling Temple Grottoes, you can enjoy the spectacular scenery of high gorges, flat lake and beetling precipice. Besides, you can not only feel the world cultural heritage-Bingling Temple Grottoes, but also experience the unique folk customs in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River, and explore the Chinese civilization. 

Grottoes culture

Western Qin regime(AD 385- 431)

In 431 AD

Northern Wei Dynasty

An-Shi Rebellion


Western Qin regime(AD 385- 431)

In the early days of Bingling Temple Grottoes, it was the Western Qin regime established by Qifu family of Xianbei nationality (AD 385- 431). The Western Qin regime was keen on promoting Buddhism, and the capital Maohan (Linxia) set up a translation field, which hired the famous monk Shengjian of the Eastern Jin Dynasty to translate Buddhist scriptures. At that time, the famous figures such as Xuangao, Xuanshao, Tanhong and the foreign great Zen master Tanmopi from the Western Regions gathered in the area of Western Qin regime, which made Buddhism in the Western Qin Dynasty unprecedentedly popular. Buddhism at that time was completely accepted on the basis of traditional Chinese culture. Although Bingling Temple Grottoes flourished in the Western Qin Dynasty, there was no obvious cultural symbol of Qifu family of Xianbei nationality. Among the many providers, the first are the meritorious masters with Han surnames from Nan'an (Longxi), Guangning (Zhangxian), Tianshui and Jincheng (Lanzhou). There is only one case titled "statue of Qifo-Luo Shi", which can be inferred from the surname as Xianbei Qifo (Fu), which belongs to the same clan as the rulers of the Western Qin regime, but wearing the similar wide-sleeved robes to Han costumes (Fig. 2). 

In 431 AD

In 431 AD, the Western Qin regime demised. And now the area of Linxia is called Henan, as a part of Henan State established by Tuguhun. Tuguhun, a member of Murong’s family in Xianbei, began to believe in Buddhism in the 5th century. And its emperor Muliyan sent envoys and wealth to help Shi Hui, a famous monk in Jiuquan, to visit Shuli Zuojun Temple . In the period supervised by Liang Tian, Shi Yin set up a nine-storied Buddhist temple in Yizhou (Chengdu). The continuous building of Bingling Temple Grottoes after the Western Qin regime was also done by local meritorious masters and monks who traveled back and forth here. 

Northern Wei Dynasty

In the process of unifying the north in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Maohan Town was set up in 445 AD. Buddhism in the Northern Wei Dynasty has a strong color of the country and nation, with the degree of implementation of Buddhism even becoming the achievements of officials, so Bingling Temple Grottoes have become a part of Buddhism in the Northern Wei Dynasty that can not be ignored. Although Yungang and Longmen established by the royal family played a leading role in the sculpture activities of the grottoes in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the local grottoes also had some unique characteristics in taste and innovation. In the Tang Dynasty, because Bingling Temple was located on the busy Silk Road and the old road of Tibetan regime in ancient China, grotto statues developed rapidly again. There are not only contributions of ordinary civilians, but also active participation of officials at all levels. A large number of cave statues reflect the strong national strength of the Tang Empire. 

An-Shi Rebellion

In the second year of Baoying Period (AD 763) after the An-Shi Rebellion, the Tibetan regime entered Dazhengguan, making regions such as Lan, Kuo, He, Shan, Tao, Min, Qin, Cheng, Wei occupied. It occupied Hexi and Longyou as much as possible until Wang Shao led his army to recover Hezhou in the sixth year of Xining Period under the leadership of Song Shenzong (AD 1073). During this period, it was the territory of the Tibetan regime first and then Shangfan branch. Various data show that the name of Bingling Temple was gotten during this period. It was called Tang Shu Cave in the Western Qin Dynasty, and Lingyan Temple in the Tang Dynasty. The name of Bingling Temple comes from the transliteration of Tibetan, meaning “one hundred thousand Maitreya Prefecture”. And in a broad sense, it means Qianfo Pavilion and Wanfo Gorge. This was formed in the process of long-term convention, which was extended to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, sometimes called as both Bingling and Lingyan. 


Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Bingling Temple has become a resort of Tibetan Buddhism, and monk houses have been expanded for lamas to live in. Many murals in caves have been redrawn into the contents of Tibetan Buddhism. 

Hydropower culture

The Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization and the mother river of the Chinese nation. With a total length of 5,494 kilometers, the Yellow River is the second largest river in China only second to the Yangtze River and the fifth longest river in the world. The source of the Yellow River is Kariqu, which comes from the foothills of the Bayan Har Mountains in Qinghai Province. The river gushing out of the frozen snow-covered mountains is crystal and gurgling. It flows eastward through Sichuan and enters Gansu, and the upstream passes through the mountains and valleys, ups and downs, swirling, with the water flowing still clear; When the estuary passes through Ningxia into Inner Mongolia, it passes through Shaanxi, Shanxi and Henan, and flows through the Loess Plateau. The sediment concentration increases greatly, and the water color is deep yellow. It enters the Bohai Sea from northern Shandong, and climbs up the vast plateau with thousands of gullies like loess dragons, embracing the big river together. The Yellow River nurtured the ancestors of the Yellow River civilization with her flexible and broad mind, absorbed and integrated the essence of civilization in various regions, and formed representative cultures such as Dadiwan culture, Yangshao culture, Qijia culture, Majiayao culture, Central Plains Longshan culture, Dawenkou culture and Shandong Longshan culture, which became the mainstream of early Chinese civilization. For thousands of years, the Yellow River has flowed eastward from Qinghai to Gansu. At the Gansu section of the main stream of the Yellow River with a length of 913 kilometers, the spectacle of Maqu, the first bay of the Yellow River, and the landscape of the Three Gorges of the Yellow River and Jingtai Yellow River Stone Forest have been formed. In the Yellow River Basin in Gansu, the splendid painted pottery culture such as Dadiwan and Majiayao and the farming civilization of the Yellow River come into being. Visitors can enjoy the first beautiful scenery of the Yellow River with clear river water, vertical and horizontal streams and abundant grassland northward along the Gansu section of the Yellow River; You can also appreciate the unique ups and downs of the Yellow River. When you visit the colorful murals of world cultural heritage-Bingling Temple Grottoes, you can enjoy the spectacular scenery of high gorges, flat lake and beetling precipice. Besides, you can not only feel the world cultural heritage-Bingling Temple Grottoes, but also experience the unique folk customs in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River, and explore the Chinese civilization. 


  位于炳灵石窟北2.5公里处。炳灵上寺可以追溯到隋唐,上寺大佛洞内雕塑有4米高的弥勒佛像1 尊,神采丰满,形象端庄,不失隋代造像遗风。现上寺寺院东边山崖上,以及喜佛沟下层的山崖上,有唐代开凿、明代重修的窟龛两个。据《安多政教史》记述,文成公主当年过境时就居住在这里。元、明以来,这里一直是炳灵寺宗教活动的中心。明代,炳灵寺上寺曾建立密宗院,万历年间修建卓玛殿,以后因战乱频繁,卓玛殿屡毁屡建,清康熙十四年、民国二十六年、1986年都曾重塑卓玛佛像。现存卓玛殿绿度母塑像,高1.32米,头戴宝冠,秀发垂于两肩,面相清秀,手持莲花坐于莲座上,四层背光中第二层为二十个小度母。度母,藏语亦称"卓玛",是观世音菩萨化身。







  据1995年出版的《永靖县志》和相关资料记载,元末明初时,在车珂、小沟、寺滩、小拐、罗旋湾建有佛寺5处。  明成化二年(1466年)五寺统一,扩建寺院,共事佛礼,清同治年间被焚。光绪年间,在长72米,深36米,高18米的自然石窟内重建大佛殿、五华楼、大经堂、睡佛殿、百子宫等建筑68间,在石窟前面的崖壁上,开凿经堂1座及长15米、高3米、宽6米,直径1米的石柱2根。各殿堂雕梁画柱,斗拱飞檐,有僧数10名。1958年所有建筑均被拆除。1979年在原址重修殿宇,开始佛寺活动。




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